Defining Our Audience

In the last few weeks, as we have worked toward our event in San Antonio, I have explained our broad audience to several people. It occurred to me that my clarifications might be interesting to our readers, as well. To explain this, I need to include some history, first. At SOCAP: the Conference at the […]

Innovative Housing Solutions

I’m excited about some of the innovative housing solutions that will be showcased at our conference in February. They go far beyond traditional government affordable housing, thanks to some innovative philanthropic funders who are targeting their catalytic investments at precise inflection points in the system to make real change.  And what’s even more significant is […]

Building an interdependent economy: Shared ownership is focus for foundations

Foundations have often been observed to move in something resembling rugby scrums: many of them focused on the same issue. Shared ownership of businesses is the hot topic this year for many of them. And last week I went to Rockefeller Center to what was a major gathering of the leading catalytic foundations, funds focused on the various […]

SOCAP Reflection

It’s always fun to be at SOCAP and to be able to connect with what Fran Seegull started referring to as the “OGs” who really are the team that started and grew SOCAP: Tim Freundlich, one of the founders; Lindsay Smalling, the amazing curator who managed content for most of the time our group owned […]