CategoriesAccess to Capital

The Connected Evangelist Role

In our “field guide to transformation:  taking seriously your congregation’s role to economic justice,” we describe a number of important roles in doing this work. One of the important and often misunderstood roles is that of the connected evangelist. In the public policy for Design Lab at our recent Neighborhood Economics, lab co-leader Scott Shallet […]

Collaborative Work Toward $100 Million Fund Comes Out of Neighborhood Economics

The neighborhood investment trust creators who participated in the Neighborhood Economics conference lab want to raise a $100 million fund to replicate their model across the country.   Neighborhood Investment Trusts help neighbors invest in Black Wall Streets and their neighborhood businesses to keep them safe from the hedge funds. These hedge funds have raised billions […]

Transformation Through Replicable Local Platforms

When we held the transform conference a couple of years ago, we decided we would not focus on regenerative agriculture and forestry, though that, as has been shown, was the largest market opportunity; it’s been growing at an accelerating rate. At our core, however, we, the founders of SOCAP, realized that we care about, and […]


SIX P’s: Michael Shuman’s pointers to a prosperous, local economy

Sustainability requires that every community meet the needs of all its members (including plants and animals), present and future, without compromising the needs of other communities meeting the needs of their members, present and future. — Michael Shuman Is neighborhood economics at a tipping point? Consciousness certainly seems to be getting there. Think how many people read labels […]