Ann Keller chair

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Keller from Riverlink [1]

Anne retired five years ago after nearly 20 years’ working at the U.S. EPA in Atlanta. During her career at the EPA, she served as the St. Johns River Navigator helping river communities in 12 Florida counties under the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. As the regional lead for the federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities (2010-2016), she participated with the City of Asheville, Land of Sky Regional Council, non-profits and other federal agencies on projects to improve transportation options in the RAD, enhance energy efficiency and associated budget savings in City and County schools, and develop a regional plan for housing, environment, and economic development. She has a doctorate in aquatic toxicology and master’s degrees in both animal physiology and limnology. She is the author of 19 published papers and book chapters. During her career, Dr. Keller also taught high school and junior college, worked for the St. Johns River Water Management District in Florida, and as a scientist/researcher for TVA and USFWS/USGS. Her interests include improving water quality in our rivers, enhancing community resilience, and looking for cost-effective solutions to other environmental challenges. She enjoys birdwatching, scuba diving, Labrador retrievers and