Common Cents Funds

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The Neighborhood Economics Common Cents Funds are local, to places where there has been a conference. The funds use the CataCap platform, which is on the $3.5 billion Impact Assets Donor Advised Fund platform.

The Community Equity Fund was the first deal on the Neighborhood Economics suite of Common Cents Funds, in this case Common Cents Asheville. In all these cases Eagle Market Streets provide underwriting and disbursement.

Bluenotejunction is likely to be the second deal. Warren Wilson College work crews to entrepreneurship is in the pipeline. The Delta Interfaith broadband mesh network that defied the cable monopolist is also in the pipeline.

the Common Cents Fund, Jackson is in process. The key partners are Midtown Jackson and Elseworks the student led free consultancy that works with midtown businesses, providing technical assistance. Midtown vettes the entrepreneurs for prospective investability.

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