Software for a new economy accounting system

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We help local economic groups organize and administer themselves. We (and many other people) are convinced that the way we live now is unsustainable. The threats include the current economic meltdown, global climate change, and the end of cheap oil (despite the current downward blip). We cannot depend on government or big corporations to make the necessary changes. Those changes need to be done locally, by local groups organizing to provide the necessities of life in a better way. Organizing a local economic group is difficult. The current business climate favors big corporations. The forms and methods of organization are being developed on-the-fly. We want to provide software that makes organizing and administrating local economic groups easier. You can read more about the problems we have seen here. So far, we have developed software for a group of timber growers and processors in Wisconsin, two groups of farmers (one group in Minnesota and another in Wisconsin) who collect and distribute their food to groups of customers, and a group of residents in a cohousing site in Vermont. Our software is open source and freely available for other similar groups to use. We select groups to work with that we think will make good models for other groups of the same type to emulate. We're looking for an alternative energy group. We are also working with several others on a system for open-source software development projects. If your group is interested in any of our existing software, or to work with us in a new area, please send us an email and we'll talk.

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