Work college

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Association of work colleges [[1]]

Sterling College, VT, 100% environmental [[2]]

Kuyper, conservative Christian work college [[3]]

Warren Wilson, secular liberal arts with a farm, a forest, feeding the dining hall lots of environmental education and continuing local watershed revitalization projects [[4]]

College of the Ozarks [[5]] they call themselves hard work U. Have a patriotism pillar. Christian

Alice Lloyd College [[6]] Christian, they work 10-20 hrs a week

Berea, Christian, open to all faiths, has a commitment to social justice through the Loyal Jones Center, serving central Appalachia [[7]]

Blackburn College [[8]] ‘’links a rigorous and affordable liberal arts education with a unique student-managed Work Program preparing graduates for careers, community engagement, and lifelong learning.”

Bethany College has a transformational entrepreneurship department [[9] They also have a midwifery department