MT/Creation Care Alliance

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The Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina (CCAWNC, formerly WNC Green Congregations) is a network of people of faith and congregations who have united around a moral and spiritual call to preserve the integrity, beauty and health of God’s creation. We work to bring practical and hopeful solutions to our congregations and broader secular communities by engaging hearts and minds through education, service and advocacy. Our work is an expression of our love of God and God’s love for the earth and all life. With limited resources but lots of passion, CCAWNC has been able to accomplish some amazing things in the past two and a half years: three prayer vigils, a climate and faith forum, two clergy breakfasts, public educational events, and multiple advocacy initiatives, just to name a few. Now, we need to take our efforts to a new and even more effective level and are seeking partners and supporters to invest in this good work so that we can build even more creative and effective events and programs in the coming years.

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