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The focus is on innovative housing access that increase home owership, including various forms of collective trusts evolved from land trusts. Trust Neighborhoods is one such innovation [[1]]

Brookings Place making postcards, blog series link to case studies around the country [[2]]

MINT Mixed income neighborhood trusts

Down Payment Innovations

Community ownership of real estate Brookings link [[3]]

The Nehemiah Project in the Bronx, which is attempting replicate in Jackson, Ms, is another [[4]]

Local Code includes both innovative democratic ownership of commercial real estate and innovative housing solutions that result in more people being housed with an element of financial innovation. [[5]]

Examples of southern community land trusts Prosperity Alliance [[6]]

Parity Homes collective purchasing of blocks by Black folks, Baltimore [[7]]

Peewee Homes for formerly homeless [[8]] in the category of Deeply Affordable Homes like those built at Land of Sky church’s land by Beloved Asheville

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