Terry Garrett

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Convo on linked in 2017 Not sure if you're referring more narrowly about rewards card or broadly with our local first programs. In Sonoma County, we're making great strides in converting residents to supporters of local businesses. Our Made Local product sales in Oliver's Markets increased $20 million per year over the past 6 years (tracking SKUs). 7 out of 10 GL fans look to see if a company or product is local before making a purchase; 65% say they buy more from local biz than they did 5 years ago. We've slowly spread into Marin and Mendocino counties and expect to really expand in Marin in 2018 via a contract with San Rafael city gov folks. Rewards Card sales hit probably $25 million all time sales, which is small in contrast to retail sales, but people like the spirit of it. Linked in bio [1]

Link to Garrett’s local economy strategy on slideshare [2]

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