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Relief from the framework. They are a foundation collaborative with a justice lens. In their focus areas of employment, income and housing they list Federal, state and local initiatives For Neighborhood Economics, we will, for the time being only list the local ones Affordable housing Anti displacement initiatives Broadband access Expansion of affordable housing vouchers Fines and fee reform Subverting redlining and racist home valuations Infrastructure for care gig economies Legal supports Moratorium on evictions and foreclosures Rent freezes and controls Small landlord assistance Suspension of utility bill cutoffs

Recovery and Rebuild needs to be another page that links to the asset funder framework and this relief, then resilience. Here is Recovery and Rebuild, asset funder framework, local Expansion of broadband access Expansion of transit infrastructure Guaranteed income Greater relief and targeted access to capital for small business (link to CEF) Local public infrastructure

Resilience, local Anti racist housing laws Criminal justice system reforms (ending municipal fins and fees and enabling reentry work Employer provided financial wellness programs Environmental remediation Equitable local public infrastructure /asset investments (use of social determinants of health framework).

Equitable use of Promize and Opportunity zones and other economic development strategies

Expanded equitable home ownership Health equity and health-wealth integration Justice debt collection practices reform Rent control Targeted reparations to correct damages from redlining

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