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The name MountainTrue [[1]] only dates back to our first merger in 2015 and represents our unwavering commitment to the people and places of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s a bold name, and we’re proud to have the victories to back it up. Our founding members fought oil and gas exploration in our national forests and then went on to end the practice of clearcutting. We stopped the logging of the Asheville Watershed and helped establish both Gorges State Park and Dupont State Forest. We partnered with the community to reduce the size of the I-26 Connector highway expansion project through Asheville to make it more environmentally friendly and to protect surrounding neighborhoods. And MountainTrue was a lead partner in the Asheville Beyond Coal campaign, through which we won the retirement of Asheville’s coal-fired power plant and the clean-up of the coal ash pits at Duke Energy’s Asheville and Cliffside power plants.

Julie Lehman is a board member.

Act Local School participant, via Anna Alsobrook on session on Healthy Rivers

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