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The first three ideas on how to use the reliable long term resource of the #Watershedtax:

George Brabant I saw first: helping create gardens for folks who are food insecure but can’t afford gardens. Our friends at Southside Community Garden are already doing a good bit of that. It would be good to go check them out, if someone wanted to go further with George’s idea.

The second was Timothy Boyer getting rid of the dam by the nature center.

Third was Lalita Booth using the tax for biodiversity and going after grants from funders focused on biodiversity. I will post these on the Watershed Fund wiki page under the #watershedfund sub page later today and try to keep up withthem. May use a google doc if it gets big. If people want to help keep up with it, my organizational talents are extremely limited. And i get bored at routine after a while.

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