Ways to talk to your friends about economic justice without being judgmental

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Ways to talk about housing and justice; a comprehensive blog [[1]]

How rising home prices displace renters. Circuit breakers are one solution to property taxes rising higher than poor people can afford. [[2]] They exist in 19 states, but often people don’t know they can access them.

How Circuit Breaker Credits Work

The basic idea behind the “circuit breaker” approach to property tax relief is quite simple: taxpayers earning below a certain income level should be given some amount of property tax relief when their property taxes exceed a certain percentage of their income. But the thirty-three states, plus DC, that have implemented this basic idea have made very different choices about who should receive the credit, and how the credit should be calculated

Racist property valuations [[3]]

Poor neighborhoods are routinely overtaxed while affluent neighborhoods are under taxed. Replicating the philathropic repair fund is one solution to that inequity [[4]]

The friends and family gap

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