Anna Alsobrook

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Link to Mountain True Bio [[1]]

As MountainTrue’s French Broad Watershed Science and Policy Manager, Anna facilitates water quality monitoring, citizen science, and improvement programs in the French Broad River watershed. Prior to moving to WNC and working for MountainTrue in 2014, she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Senegal and attained her undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of TN, Knoxville. Her love and interest in water began by running the trails along the Wolf River in Memphis, TN, where she grew up. What started out as a love through recreation, her studies and times abroad routinely reinforced her passion for the complexities of water issues. Intimately aware of the impacts of water scarcity as well as water quality on community health, she decided to focus her graduate degree and career on water issues. Since coming to WNC, Anna has taken up kayaking and paddle boarding. She loves taking her dog, Poppy, down the river on her paddle board. She still runs trails and makes a point to run the ones along the Wolf River when she goes back to Memphis. On any given weekend, she can be found hiking, biking, or paddling in and around WNC. phone 828.258.8737 x 212 envelope

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